Thursday, 5 June 2008

One Planet Living

One Planet Living:
There are ten guide principles that people should do, in order to have a healthy and improved planet for us and for the next generations. These are the ten guides and what should be done for them:
· Zero Carbon: Humans increased usage of CO2 is leading to an increase in the temperature. Therefore, we should consider increasing our level of usage for CO2.
· Zero Wastes: Human wastes should be dealt with in a better way, and we should also consider reusing wastes.
· Sustainable Transport: Decrease our usage of transports like cars and air planes, as a matter of fact these uses of transport helps increasing the temperature and pollution.
· Local and Sustainable Materials: unhelpful resources that are used for development for instance the ones that are used for construction helps in increasing damages for our environment; in addition it’s not very beneficial for the community.
· Local and sustainable food: Production of food, which may be very harmful for the human body, by the industrial culture.
· Sustainable water: Due to pollution, fresh water cannot be our main support of water, therefore water need certain steps to be done for in order to drink it.
· Natural Habitats and wildlife: Development lead to the destroying our nature.
· Culture and heritage: Globalization lead to the loss of people’s own heritage, identity and knowledge.
· Equity and fair trade: Poverty is taking place even in the industrialized and world.
· Health and happiness: “Rising wealth and greater health and happiness increasingly diverge, raising questions about the true basis of well-being and contentment “

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